Ms. Deepti Shukla



The purpose of the was study was to determine the effect of Bhastrika and Bhamiri's Pranayama on selected physiological variables in female yoga students. The subject for this study was from the students who are pursuing diploma courses in yoga at Kriya Yoga Sansthan, Jhunsi, Allahabad. A total of twenty students was selected for the study. Ten subjects was selected randomly as experimental and ten subjects as control groups. Following variables have been selected for this study. Physiological Variables breathe holding capacity, Resting heart rate, Vital Capacity, Respiratory Rate, Body weight, Blood pressure, Body temperature, Cardiopulmonary index, Dehydration (before and after training), The criterion measures chosen were: Positive breath holding was measured by manual method and the score was recorded in second. Resting heart rate was measured by manual method over a period of one minute. Dry spirometer will measure vital capacity in milliliter. Resting respiratory rate was measured by manual method over a period of one minute. Body temperature was measured by using Digital thermometer placed under the tongue and score was recorded in Farenhite. Body weight was measured by using weighing machine and score was score was recorded in Kilogram. Blood pressure (systolic and diastolic) was measured with a help of sphygmomanometer. The score was recorded in mm Hg. Data was taken at the Kriya Yoga Sansthan, Jhunsi, Allahabad. When they are not busy and have enough time to spare for testing. Necessary instructions was given to the subject the administration of each test. To determine the effect of shitali and sitkari pranayama on selected physiological variables, 't' test, and descriptive statistics was employed at 0.05 level of significance.

Keywords: Bhastrika, Bhramiri, Pranayama and Vital Capacity.

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