ISSN: 2278-716X(Online)
ISSN: 2278-716X(Online)
A total of sixty female (N=60) School National level basketball players ranging between 16-19 years of age were taken as subjects for the purpose of the study. The subjects were randomly selected and training was conducted at Government Senior Secondary Girls School, Mall Road, Amritsar. The subjects were divided into two groups namely: Experimental Group (45 subjects in total) and Control Group (15 subjects). The Experimental group was further sub-divided into three groups of 15 subjects in each group. Experimental Group-I was given (Plyometric Training), Experimental Group-II (Resistance Training) and Experimental Group-III (Combined Training). The fitness variables were selected for the purpose of the study: flexibility test (sit and reach test), strength test (vertical jump test), speed test (50m dash test), agility (shuttle run test) and cardio-vascular fitness test (cooper 12 minute run-walk test). In order to find out the differential effects of the two treatment groups (Plyometric and Resistance) and one control group, ANCOVA test was computed. It is evident from the results that Resistance training group demonstrated maximum effect on the flexibility with improved performance in sit and reach than other three groups. Whereas combined training group was the next effective treatment group on flexibility than Plyometric training group and control group. These results indicate that Combined (Plyometric and Resistance) training proved to be most effective experimental method for improving fitness variables namely explosive leg strength, running ability, agility and endurance ability as compared to other two experimental groups.
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