ISSN: 2278-716X(Online)
ISSN: 2278-716X(Online)
To find out the effect of Interval Training Method and Repetition Training Method on Performance of 200 Meters Sprint. Thirty six male and female students from athletics specialization were selected as subjects for the present study. They were classified into three groups of 12 each. Out of three, two were experimental and one was control group. Group „A‟ and „B‟ were designated as experimental, while „C‟ was designated as control group. The treatment was assigned to experimental groups. The training was given for two months, five days a week to both the experimental groups. The volume of the work was very less for very first week and it was gradually increased from second to the last week of the training programme. The repetitions of 80mts, 100mts, 150mts, 200mts and 250mts were given to the both experimental groups. The number of repetitions was gradually increased from 6 to 10 repetitions. The intensity of work load was set 70–80% and 90-100% for Interval Group and Repetition Group respectively. Data were taken at the beginning and at the conclusions of an experimental period of two months. Paired „t‟ test was applied between pre – test and post – test means of each group, in order to find out within group improvement in two experimental and one control group. To find comparative effect of different training programme on speed variable, analysis of covariance was applied. The level of significance was set at 0.05 levels. Two months of Interval Training Method and Repetition Training Method were effective for the improvement in 200 meters sprint in comparison of Control Group.
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